Chapter 1 (Part 1)
“Tha Sam a’ coiseachd bhon taigh-solais – tha e ag iarraidh tombaca.”
(Sam is walking from the lighthouse – he wants tobacco.)
- Tha = “Ha” (like “ha” in “haha”)
- Sam = “Sam” (same as English)
- a’ coiseachd = “uh KOSH-uchk” (the ch is like the ch in “loch”)
- bhon = “von” (soft v sound)
- taigh-solais = “TIE-sho-lish” (taigh sounds like “tie”, solais like “so-lish”)
- tha e = “Ha eh”
- ag iarraidh = “egg EE-ruh-ee” (the ch is like the ch in “loch”)
- tombaca = “tom-BACH-kuh”
Pronounced like: Ha Sam a kawshuchk von tie solish tha eh ak eerie tom bachkuh